Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Shocking! Shocking! Shocking!

Good Day Readers:

We first profiled this story on September 21 of this year, Will Todd Willingham come back to haunt Rick Perry from the grave? (http://cybersmokeblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/blog-post_21.html) in which one of North America's leading legal DNA experts Barry Scheck professed his belief Mr. Willingham was innocent and should never have been been executed in February of 2004.

This evening we just finished watching the PBS Frontline (WJBH Boston) investigative documentary, Death By Fire. As you will soon see the actions of Presidential Candidate Governor Rick were beyond unconscionable as he permitted a man to be executed in the face of a mountain of evidence to the contrary. We fully agree with Mr. Scheck this may be his undoing in the race to the White House, that is, if first he doesn't shoot himself in the foot prior to the Republican national convention (as we believe he will) to pick a challenger against Barack Obama.

Unfortunately, the video is only an excerpt - the full documentary becomes increasingly chilling as the world's foremost authority on arson submits a detailed report a couple days before the execution date firmly establishing it was an accident. In the face of this, as well as, other mounting evidence, Rick Perry refused to exercise his power to delay Mr. Willingham's death for 30 days to review the latesting findings as he is empowered to do! At the time the Governor was running for another term.

View the video interview with Barry Scheck (above) for a better overview of the Governor's behaviour. You be the judge and jury.

Clare L. Pieuk


Texas has the hightst rate of executions in the United States. We have e-mailed Prairie Public Television asking when, Death By Fire will be repeted in its entirety (almost one hour). As soon as we receive a reply we will share it with you.

Now back to finishing, War by remote control.


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